Diego Diaz Gomez About Fab Academy Contact

WEEK 18: Project development

And finally, the last week!!
This week consisted of completing the final project until its end.
The assignment for this week, was to track the progress, answering the following questions:

So let's do it!:

What tasks have been completed, and what tasks remain?

At this point, most of the basic tasks are completed, such as:

Basically, the tasks that are remaining are about programming. For example:

What's working? what's not?

The lamp, in general therms is working. The things remaining to improve are, as I pointed before:

What questions need to be resolved?

The basic questions that need to be resolved are:

What will happen when?

The basic things that need to be working for the presentation, are working. From that moment on, I'll try to resolve the other questions.
The idea, is to take advantage while I have access to the lab and to the instructors, and try to solve all que questions remaining. I'll try to do that before end of june.
So, after documenting everything, I'll start working on the server comunication, blinking modes and the interface, to have the lamp fully ready before July.

What have you learned?

During the whole FabAcademy I learned lots of new things. For example I've never made a PCB or I've never programmed anything, but now I feel capable of (almost) anything.

To sum up what I've learned with the final project, I would say:


I've planned the last two weeks in order to meet the deadline.
It went quite well so far, except for the aluminum machining, that took a lot more time than expected.